October 2024

Master in Advanced and Generative Artificial Intelligence

Master in Advanced and Generative Artificial Intelligence

Become an expert in Artificial Intelligence applied to business and acquire the strategic and technical competencies to build state-of-the-art solutions

12 months
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Nuestros alumnos del Master in Advanced and Generative Artificial Intelligence trabajan en empresas como...

The Master in Advanced and Generative Artificial Intelligence is designed to transform professionals into leaders in the field of Artificial Intelligence, prepared to face the most advanced technological challenges and develop innovative solutions that make a difference in today's market.

Satisfied students


We have been training students in advanced technologies, artificial intelligence and applied data for more than 10 years, always highlighting our practical and close approach to the student. Their excellent reviews of our educational program reflect the positive impact MBIT School has had on their professional careers.

Finishing the Master in Big Data and Analytics has been one of the most transformative experiences of my career. Thank you very much MBIT for giving me the technical and strategic tools to lead in this complex world and also for helping me learn to make decisions based on deep analysis and to boost the growth of any organization in an increasingly disruptive environment. Great quality of the program, with excellent teachers with a practical approach who help connect theory with real market data.

Alicia Henares Cobo

Director of Applications and Systems

I started the People Analytics program at MBIT out of curiosity about the world of data. I wanted to know more, not only about how data could help me in my daily life, but also to improve my technical knowledge, use data analytics tools, and understand how data science works. But I didn't want a program that was only technical or remote from HR, where I work. It was quite a success, it is a very complete program, with teachers who are experts in different subjects, with a clear orientation to teaching and creating value for the student. Working through use cases very similar to those you may face in your day helped me a lot to bring the program to my professional reality.

Belén Foncillas

HR Program Manager

Undertaking the Expert Program in People Analytics at MBIT has been a transformative experience in my professional career. Thanks to an exhaustive and well-structured program, taught by active experts, I have acquired the necessary knowledge to solve real problems in Human Resources and to contribute effectively to strategic decision-making based on data in my organization.

Ricardo Escobar Jaén

HR Data Analyst

The personal service and the closeness that exists in this school cannot be found in any other school. I loved the teaching staff themselves because many of them explain the subject to you and also show on the projector the artificial intelligence of the company where they work. They teach you how they manage it on a daily basis and let us interact with them. Then you really see that it is being applied in some companies at a very high level. The networking that takes place at school also helps you to connect better with the point of view of other profiles and generate closer relationships. For me, Mbit School is strategy, family and discovery.

Agustín Pozo

Digital Transformation Global Lead

I think that AI is going to change many aspects of our lives and I wanted to go a little deeper into what that opportunity means. MBIT School has a real and direct approach. It is a school that is very focused on data and very practical. MBIT would define it in two concepts: present and future.

Pedro Prieto

Director of Innovation

I'm already working in a position related to a data department, which is what I wanted, so the master's degree has served as a gateway for me; I'm very happy.

Juan Castallo


For me, the main achievement has been to get an overview of everything that the subject of Data Science encompasses and to be able to understand how a Data Scientist works and how projects have an end to end that at first seems easy but that there is a lot of work behind it until the model is obtained.

Nuria Espadas Alonso

Head of Digital Sales

I followed some of the teachers through the MBIT webinars; I found everything they explained very interesting and seeing that they were part of this master's degree I threw myself head over heels. Now I'm starting conversations with my boss to apply all this knowledge to my work, let's hope it comes to fruition.

Josep Velasco

Environmental Engineer

I chose MBIT because I was referred to it by co-workers with a lot of technical knowledge, and they were absolutely right. I wouldn't have thought that I would dedicate myself to programming at the beginning of the master's degree, now I know that it's possible. The school has opened a lot of windows of curiosity for me, and it is very likely that I will dedicate myself to this.

Paloma López Rojo

Regional Category Manager WEMEA & LAM FM, Real Estate & MRO

Ideal for

Professionals from any discipline with an interest in becoming experts in advanced analytics and the implementation of Artificial Intelligence. Data Scientist and Data Engineers who want to keep up to date with recent advances in AI, and exploit them in their development
Descubre si es para ti

Who we are

The Master in Connected Industry and Artificial Intelligence is promoted by the Ricardo Valle Institute Foundation for Innovation (Innova IRV) and organized by Fom Talent and MBIT DATA School, in collaboration with ESESA as a teacher and local partner.

The InnovaIRV Foundation, the initial node of an innovation network promoted by AMETIC, is dedicated to transforming the productive model of companies, improving their competitiveness, attracting investment and encouraging the development of knowledge and human capital.
With more than 10 years of experience, MBIT is a leading school in Artificial Intelligence and emerging technologies. It has trained numerous data specialists and, in 2023, it was recognized as the second best training entity in AI by the prestigious El Mundo ranking.
Fom Talent is an organization specialized in training leaders in emerging technologies for Industry 4.0, new business models, connected product design and talent development. He collaborates with Business Schools and Academic Institutions thanks to his extensive experience in training programs.
ESESA, founded in 1988 by the City Council of Malaga and Unicaja, has as its mission to provide quality training in Malaga in order to develop professionals and strengthen the business fabric.

Modality and schedule


Theoretical classes, practical classes, exercises, consolidation projects, extracurricular activities, reinforcement and support tutoring.

Fri 16:00 - 20:00
Sat 9:00 - 13:00


The master's degree is Self-contained but you must be eager to learn technological concepts and complex mathematical artifacts.

We recommend at least some background in:

  • Algebra, Calculus and Statistics
  • Technology (You don't need to know how to program, but it helps to have had some previous experience with Python, R, SPSS, SAS or another data oriented language)

What are you going to learn?

You will learn to create predictive models of all kinds, classification, segmentation, forecasting... In addition to the fundamentals behind the most modern systems such as chatbots, intelligent assistants, autonomous vehicles, deepfakes and many other current applications that are revolutionizing the business world.

In our master's program you will acquire the skills to develop Machine Learning And Artificial Intelligence models and build advanced solutions with the ability to process and respond to data of all kinds. You will be prepared to master the Fundamentals of Business, Techniques And Applications As Well As To Build and develop your own Artificial Intelligence systems with the most popular programming tools.

You will learn to train state-of-the-art LLM models (such as ChatGPT) on your own data. You will be ahead of your competitors in time and intelligence.

Project examples and use cases

  • Prediction algorithm Of customer turnover of a telco operator
  • Predicting and recommending tourist accommodation investments with data from Airbnb 💸
  • Bank Fraud Detection with transaction data between individual accounts
  • Detection of pedestrians and obstacles from the camera of a autonomous car 🚘
  • Creation of an assisted diagnostic model based on medical images
  • Architecture of Virtual Assistant 🤖 Automated for a Call Center
  • Automated analysis From the sentiment of a commercial brand based on Twitter
  • Creating a model that learns to write Fake news autonomously 💥
  • Logistic optimization Of a Food Production Plant
  • Prediction of capacity in soccer matches in the Spanish League 🏟
  • Generation of synthetic multimedia content type DeepFake 🥸
  • Detection of anomalies 🚨 In the behavior of a wind mill
  • Training of a model capable of playing autonomously video games 🕹 ATARI
  • Model for Optimize advertising campaigns In RRSS autonomously


You will learn to create predictive models of all kinds, classification, segmentation, forecasting... In addition to the fundamentals behind the most modern systems such as chatbots, intelligent assistants, autonomous vehicles, deepfakes and many other current applications that are revolutionizing the business world.

In our master's program you will acquire the skills to develop Machine Learning And Artificial Intelligence models and build advanced solutions with the ability to process and respond to data of all kinds. You will be prepared to master the Fundamentals of Business, Techniques And Applications As Well As To Build and develop your own Artificial Intelligence systems with the most popular programming tools.

You will learn to train state-of-the-art LLM models (such as ChatGPT) on your own data. You will be ahead of your competitors in time and intelligence.

¿Qué es un ML Engineer, AI Engineer?

The demand for specialists in Artificial Intelligence will continue to grow in the next 10 years. Experts capable of analyzing unstructured data such as image, text, video or audio developing new algorithms and autonomous systems that are capable of working and making decisions simulating the behavior of a human being. You will lead the training and control of Artificial Intelligence and robots capable of solving increasingly complex human tasks

10 years in the industry
Logo de MBIT School
“TOP schools 2024"
AMETIC members
Logo de Ametic
“Best Masters 2023"
10 years in the industry
Logo de MBIT School
“TOP schools 2024"
AMETIC members
Logo de Ametic
“Best Masters 2023"

Metodología Data Roleplay Experience

 Pasa al siguiente nivel en experiencia educativa. Descubre nuestra metodología Data Roleplay Experience Data RXP, una formación única en España. Un enfoque 100% práctico que simula el entorno de trabajo real de un departamento de data, con orientación a destacar en procesos de selección y onboarding y complementar tu networking con otros máster de alto nivel.
Logo de Python
Logo de aws
Logo de PyTorch
Logo de hugging face
Logo de Keras
Logo de TensorFlow

100% practical approach

Don't settle for any superficial training you find on the internet. Our programs are designed for you to develop and apply deep knowledge to real projects, using the tools used by elite professionals.


We've created a unique experience for you to discover your passion for AI, data and technology.
Assess your current capabilities and access personalized guidance to guide you in choosing a suitable and effective program for your professional development.
Totally free and without obligation.

  1. Schedule a meeting with our Career Advisor so we can get to know you and discover your goals.
  2. Access Talent Factory, our AI-based tool that allows you to align your profile with the labor market and get a personalized recommendation for your training.
  3. Talk to one of our expert @s Industry Insiders, a teacher specialized in the chosen course will guide you to maximize your potential.

And if it convinces you...

  • Welcome to MBIT DATA! Study with us and discover our community (students, alumni and companies), now you are part of one of the most vibrant technological ecosystems.
  • Lifelong Data Journey, discover everything that awaits you during and after training, you will have immediate access to our alumni club, associated events and our professional Talent Coach and Expert Coach to guide you in your professional future.

Lesson Sessions
The sessions will be broadcast online via streaming. Attendance will weigh on the final grade, representing a percentage of the grade obtained. For the calculation of your
contribution to the above-mentioned qualification, the absolute minimum number of hours of attendance established by
academic directors to obtain the degree, fixed at 70% of the teaching hours of the program.

Special Sessions
In addition to online sessions, the program includes a series of face-to-face sessions, seminars and company visits, led by relevant experts and focused on collaborative work.

The methodology for evaluating students will be based on attendance and final group work/project, an individual evaluation of each module at the end of the module and the final work/project, which may be individual or in groups of up to a maximum of three students.

Final Project
Students must submit an individual or group project at the conclusion of the program. The academic directors will validate, if appropriate, the groups during the first third of the Program. The works will be defined on the basis of proposals from the teachers and the students themselves and short preliminary presentations of the projects will be required in the middle of the Program.

“If you have any questions, you can contact us and we will guide you in a personalized way to find the training course that best suits you”

Gemma Lorenzo

Counselor | Admissions | MBIT School

Schedule an online meeting
Practical tools for Artificial Intelligence

Familiarize yourself with the basic tools for the rest of the master's degree, such as Python, Numpy or pandas

Introduction to Machine Learning

Learn to create classification, segmentation and forecasting models based on data with technologies like Sklearn or TensorFlow

Introduction to Deep Learning

Foundations of Deep Learning and practices using Tensorflow, Keras and Pytorch

Artificial Vision

Main techniques of Deep Learning for image and video processing, object detection projects, facial recognition and other applications.

Natural Language Processing

Models for sensing feeling, understanding dialogue or generating sentences with Spacy, huggingface, BERT or GPT-3.

Deep Temporary Models

Learn advanced forecasting models from Deep Learning for complex predictions in the financial, sports or industrial world

Generative Models

Foundations of models such as adversarial or diffusion models for data generation. Learn how famous models work Dall-E or Midjourney.

Reinforcement Learning

Learn the fundamentals for creating algorithms that train themselves by simulation, with examples applied to video games or robotics

MLOps: Implementation and creation of an AI-based product

Learn how to create software products that incorporate your AI models, everything you need to know to collaborate with development teams

Proyectos de consolidación

Cada módulo lleva asociado un proyecto para consolidar lo aprendido. Siempre con casos enfocados en el mercado real y a la vanguardia tecnológica. Serás capaz de realizarlo de manera autónoma, y permitirá realizar un seguimiento de tu rendimiento en el programa.

Trabajo de Fin de Máster

El trabajo fin de Máster es la culminación del camino emprendido en este itinerario, pero su realización es continua a lo largo del programa gracias a los proyectos de consolidación y comienza al principio de la propia formación.Su entrega se compone de:Feria de ideasBusiness PitchMVP (Producto Mínimo Viable) y Memoria de trabajo.

Master's Thesis
Put everything you've learned into practice by developing a real project that validates your academic and professional journey. Work as a team to resolve a specific use case and defend your project before an expert court. The Final Master's Project (TFM) culminates the path taken in this itinerary and its implementation is continuous thanks to consolidation projects, starting from the beginning of the training.
Talent Coach
During the development of your TFM, you will have the MBIT Talent Coach, a comprehensive support program that will assist you until you enter the labor market. This program begins before the first day of class and extends until your professional renewal, ensuring that you receive personalized guidance at every stage of your development. This approach ensures that not only do you develop a high-level academic project, but that you are also fully prepared to face the challenges of the labor market and advance your professional career.
  1. Fundamentals
    It establishes an environment that encourages the creation of a solid foundation in the tools and techniques fundamental to data engineering, including programming, statistics and data management.
  2. Introduction to Big Data and MLOPS
    Understand the power of Big Data and learn to handle large volumes of data with advanced technologies. This module prepares you to implement scalable and robust solutions.
  3. Data analytics and visualization
    Transform complex data into clear, actionable insights. Learn to effectively visualize data and to tell impactful stories with it.
  4. Machine learning and deep learning
    Delve into the heart of Artificial Intelligence. This module will introduce you to the most advanced techniques and algorithms in Machine Learning and Deep Learning.
  5. Supervised and unsupervised learning
    Delve into supervised and unsupervised learning techniques to discover hidden patterns in data and improve analysis capabilities.
  6. Dead Learning, NPL and Computer Vision
    Develop advanced competencies in Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision to address complex problems with modern techniques and tools.
Master's Thesis
Put everything you've learned into practice by developing a real project that validates your academic and professional journey. Work as a team to resolve a specific use case and defend your project before an expert court. The Final Master's Project (TFM) culminates the path taken in this itinerary and its implementation is continuous thanks to consolidation projects, starting from the beginning of the training.
Talent Coach
During the development of your TFM, you will have the MBIT Talent Coach, a comprehensive support program that will assist you until you enter the labor market. This program begins before the first day of class and extends until your professional renewal, ensuring that you receive personalized guidance at every stage of your development. This approach ensures that not only do you develop a high-level academic project, but that you are also fully prepared to face the challenges of the labor market and advance your professional career.
Discover your teachers

Your next cloister

Find out who will accompany you on your next course and where they are currently working.


What's the difference between the different types of programs?

We offer master's degrees, expert programs and specialized courses. Master's degrees are more extensive and in-depth programs, designed to provide comprehensive and complete knowledge, while expert programs and courses focus on specific areas and are shorter in length.

What do I do if I have questions about which program to choose?

You can schedule a meeting with one of our counselors, who will help you evaluate your abilities and objectives to recommend the program that best suits you. You can also fill out our contact form if you want us to get in touch with you.

What opportunities await me at the end of the program?

The high demand for experts in AI, Data and advanced technologies guarantees excellent employability and multiple job opportunities. In addition, after finishing your course at MBIT School, you will have access to an exclusive employment pool that connects you to the best job opportunities. You will receive support in preparing resumes and interviews, thus optimizing your competitiveness in the labor market.

Do you have more questions?

If you don't find what you're looking for, contact us and we'll answer any questions you may have.