Activa Digital is born, an initiative for training in digital transformation

MBIT DATA School, Complutense Foundation, IFFE Business School, and Pons Business School make up this new platform

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Entrepreneurs, managers and professionals of SMEs of Castile and León and Extremadura They now have the potentiality to acquire or expand your knowledge about the transformation digital in the company, hand in hand with Activate Digital and the training program “Digital generation SMEs- people from management teams”, whose calls have already been opened for June 12 and September 4. This training path opens up new expectations for business digitalization in both autonomous communities, improving competitiveness and the consequent benefit for customers.

Complutense Foundation, IFFE Business School, MBIT School and Pons Business School, all of them leading institutions in higher education and management, are thus united in Activa Digital to develop and deliver an agile, dynamic program capable of transmitting all the issues that concern small and medium-sized enterprises today in terms of digital transformation.

In addition, this new training tool also has among its priority objectives, that of reducing gap digital for gender issues, increasing the number of women enrolled and trained in digital management of SMEs.

The new corporation, based on the experience demonstrated over the past few years by each of the centers that comprise it, will develop over the next few months a twenty free courses training of 150 teaching hours, for almost 1200 managers, managers and professionals of small and medium-sized enterprises in Castilla y León and Extremadura. Of the total teaching load, at least 35 hours will be taught in person in the provinces of both Autonomous Communities, while the rest will be taught online.

The company in the digital economy; Transforming the customer experience; Technologically enabling transformation; Managing change; Sectorial use cases and Mentorization for the development of the SME's Digital Transformation Plan, are the pillars of a program focused on improving the productivity, the possibilities of growth And the internationalization of SMEs.

In addition, Activa Digital will also be the entity responsible for providing the training in this field, aimed at 250 agents of change, SME workers under 35 years of age and the unemployed in Castile-La Mancha, with a view to their incorporation into the labor market as qualified personnel in digital transformation.

And the thing is that the scanning It is nowadays a transcendent factor for the promotion of competitiveness and the benefit of companies, which is why more and more highly qualified professionals are required Qualified to help them in their digital transformation.

On the other hand, Activa Digital began its activity with the support of the public administration, since the training program “Digital Generation of SMEs - People from management teams” has been funded by the European Union-Next Generation EU It is part of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of the Government of Spain, and is channeled through the ESchool of Industrial Organization (EOI), of the MMinistry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation through the State Secretariat for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence (SEDIA) and EOI.

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Entrepreneurs, managers and professionals of SMEs of Castile and León and Extremadura They now have the potentiality to acquire or expand your knowledge about the transformation digital in the company, hand in hand with Activate Digital and the training program “Digital generation SMEs- people from management teams”, whose calls have already been opened for June 12 and September 4. This training path opens up new expectations for business digitalization in both autonomous communities, improving competitiveness and the consequent benefit for customers.

Complutense Foundation, IFFE Business School, MBIT School and Pons Business School, all of them leading institutions in higher education and management, are thus united in Activa Digital to develop and deliver an agile, dynamic program capable of transmitting all the issues that concern small and medium-sized enterprises today in terms of digital transformation.

In addition, this new training tool also has among its priority objectives, that of reducing gap digital for gender issues, increasing the number of women enrolled and trained in digital management of SMEs.

The new corporation, based on the experience demonstrated over the past few years by each of the centers that comprise it, will develop over the next few months a twenty free courses training of 150 teaching hours, for almost 1200 managers, managers and professionals of small and medium-sized enterprises in Castilla y León and Extremadura. Of the total teaching load, at least 35 hours will be taught in person in the provinces of both Autonomous Communities, while the rest will be taught online.

The company in the digital economy; Transforming the customer experience; Technologically enabling transformation; Managing change; Sectorial use cases and Mentorization for the development of the SME's Digital Transformation Plan, are the pillars of a program focused on improving the productivity, the possibilities of growth And the internationalization of SMEs.

In addition, Activa Digital will also be the entity responsible for providing the training in this field, aimed at 250 agents of change, SME workers under 35 years of age and the unemployed in Castile-La Mancha, with a view to their incorporation into the labor market as qualified personnel in digital transformation.

And the thing is that the scanning It is nowadays a transcendent factor for the promotion of competitiveness and the benefit of companies, which is why more and more highly qualified professionals are required Qualified to help them in their digital transformation.

On the other hand, Activa Digital began its activity with the support of the public administration, since the training program “Digital Generation of SMEs - People from management teams” has been funded by the European Union-Next Generation EU It is part of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of the Government of Spain, and is channeled through the ESchool of Industrial Organization (EOI), of the MMinistry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation through the State Secretariat for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence (SEDIA) and EOI.

👉 More information at

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